President’s Column
Aaron W. Beeman
August 16, 2023
An important part of the homebuying process that you may never have heard of could help you land the home of your dreams. Here’s an explanation of how earnest money works in a real estate transaction.
The Christian Friedrich Loeffler Family Reunion was held in Hilda,Texas at the Hilda
UMC fellowship hall on Saturday, July 29 th .
Christian’s parents, Johann Martin and Johanna (Zizelmann) Loeffler arrived in Texas in
mid-1854 and he was born on December 9, 1854 in Fredericksburg.
Christian, when a young man, moved to Mason County and married Maria Geistweidt
on May 17, 1878 at her parents’ home in the Hilda community.
Animal Behavior: The More You Know, the More Amazing It Is
The scientific study of animal behavior is called Ethology. Much of Ethology is concerned with understanding what is instinctive behavior and what is learned behavior. Instinctive behavior, sometimes called innate behavior, is inherited and not based on any prior experience.
by Lion Will McCann, Recorder
On August 8, 2023, Acting President Thom Canfield opened the weekly meeting of the Mason Lions Club by welcoming JoAnne Davee, wife of Lion Bob Davee, Mike Raymond, son-in law of Lion Bob Davee, Laura Emerson, wife of Lion Glenn Emerson, and Jan McCann, wife of Lion Will McCann, as our guests.
Lion Will McCann moved that the Mason Lions Club make Lex, the Wonder Dog, a lifetime honorary member of the C ...
Our next kids program is on July 6th at 11:00. Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue will come to the library to speak to the kids about their organization and their donkeys!
New to the Library:
Balthazar, Series 3
Godzilla vs. Kong
The Lovebirds
Play the Flute
Your Honor
The Walking Dead World Beyond, Season 1
Fiction: (all quotes from publishers’ summaries)
Bullet by Iris Johansen
“Diane Connors is a dedicated doctor with the world’s biggest secret, a discovery that ...
On June 22 the Mason Lions Club met at Nachos for their weekly meeting. Any ladies or gentlemen who are interested in joining the Mason Lions Club and serving the Mason community need only ask any Mason Lion!
We were delighted to have as guests Joanne Davee, wife of Lion Bob Davee, and Bretta Kirby and Tad Kirby, wife and son of Lion Mark Kirby.
By Elizabeth White
For the past 30 summers, Mason kids have been able to take advantage of the Read to Swim program at the library, sponsored by the Mason Bank. Each child that reads for one hour in the library earns a free pass to the Mason swimming pool right next door.
For the past 11 years; John Palacio has overseen Mason’s remarkable progress without compromising what Mason is about. From utilities—including electric, water, and waste management—to our parks, code enforcement, municipal policy, and city budget, John’s oversight and broad knowledge have proven invaluable to Mason. Unlike the Mayoral position, which is elected, the City Administrator is an appointment and encompasses a broad operational role.
There is currently a critical need for type O blood — the most transfused blood type. Type O donors can maximize their impact by giving a Power Red donation where a concentrated dose of red cells is given, and other blood components are safely and comfortably returned to the donor.
All blood types are needed and welcomed!
It’s Spring Break! We are open from 10 to 5 and Camp Discovery behind the library is open from dawn until dusk! We also have puzzles and board games available for checkout as well as our new selection of children’s books from our Texas Book Festival Grant. Stop by with your family to pick up some books, DVDs, and games for this week.
New to the Library:
The Croods: A New Age
The Last Vermeer
The Reason
Scooby-Doo: The Sword and the Scoob
The Very Excellent ...