There has been another fatality at a low water crossing in the Hill Country. This time it was in Gillespie County on Alfred Petsch Road. I have called upon the Blanco County Commissioners Court to get serious about a low water crossing upgrade program for our county. There are dangerous low water crossings throughout Blanco County.
I’m a retired nurse escapee from Houston who with my husband, enjoys the peace, tranquility and CLEAN AIR of rural Blanco County outside Johnson City.
I can’t help but be concerned when seeing how some people in the community are wearing Latex or Nitrile gloves (and SOMETIMES, gloves made of fabric) POSSIBLY running the risk of infecting themselves BELIEVING that this measure protects them while only helping to spread the Coronavirus.
The CDC and other healthcare provider guidelin ...
There has been a lot of criticism over the President’s use of the term “Chinese virus” and rightfully so. Names have not always been an accurate way of identifying ground zero for any disease. Health leaders have named this current virus COVID-19. You cannot call this coronavirus because that is a blanket term that covers any type of upper respiratory infection.
I hope creators and readers of the Record Courier are well and safe from COVD-19 exposure. This is an extraordinary experience for all of us, and kindness for one another is our best pursuit. Thus I shall express as kindly as I am able, my profound regret that our country is being led by Donald Trump. Our anti-science president ignored early warnings of a coming epidemic, saying everyone should go to work even if testing positive with the virus.
Our country, state, and county must respond together to defeat COVID-19. Leadership from our president has been abysmal. Thankfully, we have dedicated scientists, physicians, and medical personnel to guide us through this. At the state level Governor Abbott has indicated, “What may be right for places like the large urban areas may not be right at this particular point of time for the more than 200 counties that have zero cases of COVID-19.” He urged local officials to take more restricti ...
The family of Steve Hill would like to thank you for your calls, visits, food and many other acts of kindness you showed during Steve’s illness. Special thanks to Stephen Schmidt, Jan Hergis, and New Century Hospice for their phenomenal care and support. We are especially grateful for Pastor Ernest Topper and Pastor Jimmy Boatright for their visits and support during this difficult time.
With thanks,
Susan and Melissa.
Bob suggested we all do push-ups.
I guess I should mention that I don’t know Bob. Peter, my husband, knew Bob in high school. To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure Peter and Bob were even close pals in high school. But Bob sent me a Facebook friend request shortly after he became Facebook friends with Peter and, even though I don’t know Bob, I accepted.
I agree with the reasoned letter submitted last week by Joyce Humble regarding cross-over primary voting, IF, one is promoting the Democrat Party. However Joyce states that there are more non-voters leaning Democratic then non-voters leaning Republican, and on this point I may not agree. Whichever primary election one participates in once the vote has been cast, they are counted as party members. Thus those who staunchly vote Independent (the actual majority of all voters) must forego th ...
Are you a Democrat thinking about voting in the Republican primary? Think again.
Texas is not a “red” state. It is a non-voting state. More non-voters lean Democratic. Combine them with actual Democratic voters, and it turns out that Republicans are a minority.
How does this minority rule persist? By dividing the majority against itself.
Saturday evening at Miller Creek RV Resort was a very eventful evening. Two fugitives that were running from the Hayes County Sheriff’s Department wrecked their vehicle and ran into the park. Fortunately, the individuals were captured Sunday morning without incident.
The residents at Miller Creek wanted to thank all the law enforcement officers that were involved in the search and capture of the fugitives.